Monday 16 February 2015


Photo credit: Swimsuits For All

Today, I came across a fabulous campaign by swimsuit shop Swimsuits For All called Curves in Bikinis. The campaign features the gorgeous Ashley Graham, who became the first plus-sized model to grace the pages of Sports Illustrated when the campaign was published in the magazine's iconic swimsuit issue this month . The campaign aims to encourage women to feel body-confident in a bikini, no matter what their body shape. Although I find the campaign name rather shape-specific, I'm going to go ahead and say that, really, it applies to all body shapes. What great inspiration to grab your favourite bikini (or buy that new one you've been eyeing up) and get to the nearest beach or pool!

In honour of #CurvesInBikinis, here are my favourite bikinis that are available at the moment. Watch this space for the next swimwear post when the Summer collections drop!

Bemsy x

p.s. Don't forget to check out the range of swimwear at Swimsuits For All!


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